Art in Happy Homes

Installation of Prosperity by AVM Hawkins

I am so very proud and grateful for “Prosperity” to have found her new “home.” Home meaning, a gorgeous office, surrounded with natural light overlooking the iconic Houston Skyline. “Prosperity” could not have found a better home and owner, a dear friend and collector.

AVM and Debra.

I feel so blessed to have met Debra. She is such a beautiful, kind, open and abundant soul, who has been instrumental in my growth as an artist. I am still on cloud 9 from this installation, where I received the best and most cherished words I could ever receive: “don’t change, be you, keep doing what you are doing.”

I am still deeply touched by her words, and needed to hear them especially during that time.

I am constantly questioning whether I am on the right path, and whether I am making good decisions to grow and improve as a professional artist. I am always trying to learn from my peers, fine tune my approach so that I can grow and become a better professional.  Many times, I place way too much emphasis and focus upon what my peers are doing, and then miss out on doing what I do best— being me.

Her words were so kind, genuine and reassuring. Being in her presence was (and still is) a gift, in and of itself; not to mention the joy and honor to have my artwork be deeply loved and cherished.

The love and gratitude I feel is overwhelming, overflowing.

I am learning how to accept this love fully, feeling worthy of it.

I am so grateful and feel so deeply blessed to create and share my work, and to connect with such amazing individuals because of it. I never knew life could feel this way, professionally and personally. It is my only hope that I am able to share this same energy to others as well.

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