Journey to Greece

Airport Selfie at Houston Intercontinental Airport.

Our journey begins!

With a jump start on Memorial Day Weekend, the three of us joined my Mother, Sister, Brother-in-love, and nephew on a family adventure to Tinos, Greece.

This was my first international trip since Covid 19. And my very first plane ride, much less an international plane ride, with my 11 month year old son Harrison.

Traveling with an emerging toddler is a challenging feat. And I channelled every zen internal practice of patience I possibly could. (I’m sure very unsuccessfully).

Harry was a great sport. He did not cry much at all during our travels. The only challenge is that he is extremely active and ready to get into all the things. But cannot walk…yet. So take off and landing he was great. However, sitting still, haha not so much.

Baggage Check In

As much as I told myself I would pack light for this trip, I definitely did not. I packed swim wear for the beach, relaxing clothes, a few nice outfits for evening dinners, workout tights and tennis, and art supplies. I packed to be prepared for inspiration to strike.

At any moment’s notice, a thought could arise that could inspire an idea for a painting or art series, or go out alone, exercise, or to connect with the environment around me. I want to be ready for anything.

I find vacations to be an opportunity to slow down from the hustle of everyday work life, and to become present again within my body and my environment, and think clearly without distractions.

Vacations are the ultimate opportunity to gain inspiration and vision on how to do and be different when I return home. I packed my luggage with this intention in mind, and definitely gained some extra muscle mass carrying the extra weight through the airport.

6 hour Airport Layover in Paris, France.

Originally, our first flight to Paris, France had about an hour and half layover until our connecting flight to Athens, Greece. But when our takeoff to Paris was delayed 30 minutes, we missed our connecting flight slugging through customs and rushing to our gate. The next connecting flight to Athens, was not until 6 hours later. (Insert appropriate emoji here lol).

We arrived in Athens late that night, and was up early a few hours later, to catch the 8am four hour ferry to Tinos island.

Family Picture on the Ferry to Tinos island.

The views of Greece from the ferry were beautiful. Here is our first family photo of us in Greece from the top deck of the ferry, preparing us for the island life that awaits. We were embarking on our second full travel day with me running on about two hours of solid sleep. The adrenaline and my (minimal sleep / power nap) training as a new mom proved to be beneficial.

Our travels from the States to Tinos moved smoothly because of the calm patient energy and physical strength of Mark and my brother-in-love Alfredo, helping us managing the kids, the emotions and the luggage. What’s most important in spite of challenges and curve balls, is that we are together and a team.

Luckily perfection is not the goal, but being together is the achievement. The memories made, the moments together, the love that sustains, is what’s its all about.

As the ferry docks, our rental van awaits us, ready to transport five adults and two toddlers up and down mountainous terrain to our villa, positioned at the bottom of a Cyclades mountain, a two minute walk from the Aegean Sea. The arrival was beyond worth it.

Land Tales - The Romano Farm House

Stay tuned for more posts on our stay in Greece.

A.V.M. HawkinsComment